Caverns of the Snow Witch
by Ian Livingstone
Converted by Jamie Wallis
First published 2003
ISBN 1904629016
Publisher code: MYRFF02
Large format paperback
Cover illustration by Les Edwards
Interior illustrations by Janine Johnston
Maps by Martin McKenna and Jamie Wallis
40 pages
d20 Fighting Fantasy Adventure #2.
A conversion of the Fighting Fantasy gamebook of the same name to the d20 role playing game system.
Publisher’s Blurb – Lower Cover
The Snow Witch dwells within the Crystal Caverns.
These fabled Caverns are located in the frozen heights of the Icefinger Mountains on Allansia.
You are working as a caravan guard for Big Jim Sun when the outpost you are headed to is attacked by a savage monster. Tracking this monster takes you into the long lost labyrinth of the Crystal Caverns ... and beyond.
Caverns of the Snow Witch is an adventure designed for single adventurers or small adventuring groups of around 8th level based on the Fighting Fantasy book of the same name. |
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