Swords of Raemllyn: Book 3
by Robert E. Vardeman
and Geo. W. Proctor
First Edition 1995
New English Library
ISBN 0340617748
Trade paperback
Cover illustration by Paul Bryn Davies
vi+602 pages
Price: £6.99
Swords of Raemllyn: Book 3, an omnibus of novels by Robert E. Vardeman and Geo. W. Proctor.
- Blade of the Conqueror (2010)
- The Tombs of Abr'e (2011)
- The Jewels of Life (2011)
The three novels were subsequently issued individually in eBook format.
Publisher’s Blurb – Lower Cover
Hell reigns supreme throughout the realms of Raemllyn. Salvation lies with the mighty Sword of Kwerin Bloodhawk, now in the hands of an evil sorceress bent on conquering Raemllyn as she sails into the mists of its myths to summon an infernal army.
The beautiful Lijena, free of the demons that once possessed her, joins freebooter Davin Anane and giant Goran One-Eye to regain the magic-blade and defeat the powers of darkness enshrouding Raemllyn.
But blocking their path to freedom is an ancient kingdom of ice and snow – infested by terrifying creatures beyond imagination . . . |
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