The Key of Ice and Steel
by Robert E. Vardeman
writing as
Daniel Moran
First Edition 1988
Tor / Tom Doherty Associates
New York
ISBN 0812546067
Cover illustration by Judith Mitchell
vi+218 pages
Price: $3.50
Key of Ice and Steel, a novel by Robert E. Vardeman writing as Daniel Moran.
The third and final part of the The Keys to Paradise series.
Publisher’s Blurb – Lower Cover
Hidden somewhere in the dreary Adversary Mountains is the fifth and final key to Paradise. For two years Giles Grimsmate, Keja Tchurak and Petia Darya have scoured the world and pitted their mortal strength against impossible odds. They now possess four of the keys needed to unlock the legendary Gate of Paradise.
But this time their combined strength and skill promises to fall short of overcoming the malevolent power of Lord Onyx. For even as they have searched the world for the lost keys, he has shadowed them, a mighty hunger gnawing at his soul. They desire entry to Paradise; Lord Onyx desires a return to Paradise. A fallen god, demons of ice and unstoppable men of steel are all that stand between them and the . . . KEY OF ICE AND STEEL |
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