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The Flame Specter. 2012
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The Flame Specter. 2012 The Flame Specter
by Robert E. Vardeman
First Edition 2012
The Cenotaph Press
ISBN: None
Cover design by Robert E. Vardeman
No. of Pages: N/A
Price: $4.99

The Flame Specter, a novel by Robert E. Vardeman.

The third and final part of The Accursed series.

Issued in eBook format only.

Publisher’s Blurb – Lower Cover
If you have come this far, there's no turning back. Months now (or is it longer?) have passed since Brion Rouwen accepted his cruel, twisted fate. Armies have risen and fallen, spells have been cast, wanton destruction has torn apart the land he used to love. In The Flame Specter, the third and final volume of The Accursed, Robert E. Vardeman embraces the themes of love, honor, vengeance, and betrayal that have propelled the story thus far and leads them effortlessly to a breath taking conclusion.

If you have enjoyed The Lord of Death and Life and Legion of the Air, this – the finest in the series – is the essential missing piece. Every thread and character is brought to a satisfying, emotional denouement that will have you rushing back to start it all over again. Vardeman writes not only entertainingly, but with great humanity, and it is the synthesis of these traits that makes The Accursed a thrilling and unqualified success.

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