The Last Battle
by C.S. Lewis
Reprint Edition 1980
Fontana Lions / William Collins Sons & Co.
ISBN 0006716695
Cover illustration by Stephen Lavis
Interior illustrations by Pauline Baynes
176 pages
Price: £0.85
A Narnia novel by C.S. Lewis.
First published by The Bodley Head in 1956.
Reading Order
By Date of Composition: #6.
By Date of Publication: #7.
By In-Universe Chronology: #7.
Publisher’s Blurb – Lower Cover
In the light of a huge roaring bonfire the last battle of Narnia is about to take place betweert King Tirian, aided resolutely by Jill and Eustace, and the cruel Calormenes, when the struggle between the forces of good and evil will finally be decided. But with doubt and confusion everywhere, will King Tirian be able to stand firm at Narnia's darkest hour? |
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