The Wounded Land
by Stephen Donaldson
First British Paperback Edition 1980
Fontana Books / William Collins Sons & Co.
London / Glasgow
ISBN 0006161405
Cover illustration by Peter Goodfellow
512 pages
Price: £1.75
The Wounded Land, a Thomas Covenant novel by Stephen Donaldson.
Part 1 of The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant.
First published by Del Rey / Ballantine in 1980.
Publisher’s Blurb – Lower Cover
Thomas Covenant returns unwillingly to a Land ravaged by four thousand years of Lord Foul’s pestilence.
Under the evil Sunbane, the people of the Land submit to cruel sacrifices; the rulers of Revelstone are corrupt, the fields and forests laid waste; the healing Earthpower impotent.
Accompanied by a woman from his own world, Covenant begins a new quest to save the Land from the forces that have all but destroyed it. |
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