Why Explain S-F?
by Philip E. High
published in:
New Worlds Science Fiction
Edited by John Carnell
Vol.39, No.117 – April 1962
Nova Publications
Cover illustration by Brian Lewis
128 pages - Covers not included in pagination
Price: 2s.6d
Why Explain S-F?, an editorial essay by Philip E. High, can be found on pages 2-3 and 122-126.
Introductory Blurb
Most science fiction readers have, at some time or another, endeavoured to explain the genre to the uninitiated or to those for whom the medium has little or no meaning. Usually without much success. Mr. High virtually says, “Why bother?”
Inside Front Cover
New Worlds Profiles – Philip E. High – Canterbury, Kent
Most good authors appear to have been rolling stones at some time or other, portraying a restlessness of character which ultimately finds an outlet in creative literature – and their writing is usually the richer for the experiences gained. Philip E. High, this month’s Guest Editor, has been a commercial traveller, insurance agent, bus driver, reporter, salesman, and many other things while trying to find the right job which would allow him time enough to write as well.
Starting from scratch he worked hard at writing, accumulating the usual horde of rejection slips, until one day his perseverance was rewarded and a story was accepted. Even then the hardest task was to come – to go on improving – a fulfilment which became evident in his brilliant short story “Routine Exercise” published last February in this magazine. Since then his stories have maintained such a good standard that he is attempting his first novel.
Never having lost his “sense of wonder” his editorial asks the question “Have any of us?” as well as covering many other points of recent controversial interest in the science fiction field. |
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