Flying Saucer from Mars
by Cedric Allingham*
First Edition 1954
Frederick Muller
Hardback in dust jacket
Cover illustration by Eisner
144 pages
Price: 10s.6d
An account of an encounter with a Martian.
*Attributed to Cedric Allingham, but allegedly by Patrick Moore and Peter Davies.
Published in the US by British Book Centre in 1955.
Publisher’s Blurb – Dust Jacket Flap
Since the existence of Flying Saucers was first announced, in 1947, much has been written about them. Some authorities regard them as due to such phenomena as cloud formations and high-level ice crystals; others believe that they are meteorological balloons, but there is also a strong argument in favour of considering them as space ships coming from other planets. In a book published in 1953, George Adamski, of Palomar, California, described his meeting with a being from Venus.
Cedric Allingham, author of this new book, is no mystic but a trained scientific observer with considerable astronomical knowledge. He claims that in February, 1954, he saw a Flying Saucer land in North Scotland, and not only photographed it from close range but made direct contact with its occupant, who indicated that he came from the planet Mars. Mr. Allingham's description is fully confirmed by an independent witness, James Duncan.
This book has been written not as a sensational story, but as a sober scientific document. It contains a selection of the author's remarkable and hitherto unpublished photographs.
Publisher’s Blurb – Lower Cover
Cedric Allingham, born 1922 in Bombay, only son of a wealthy British textile manufacturer, was educated privately until he was ten, when his father retired and bought a house near Durban. Ailingham's education was continued at schools in South Africa and England until he was seventeen when he entered a sanatorium with a serious illness which kept him on his back for nearly two years. In 1941 he joined the Army (RAOC) and was posted to the Middle East where he spent most of the war. It was during this time that he became interested in Astronomy through "identifying the stars for want of something better to do in the desert when it was too hot to sleep at night".
Since the war, and the tragic death of his parents. whose ship was torpedoed only nine weeks before the German surrender, Allingham has lived a nomadic life in a caravan in which he likes to travel the country, and in which he also makes long trips on the Continent. Most of his time is spent in writing thrillers (which he publishes under a pseudonym) and in bird-watching. He also owns a cottage in Yorkshire where he occasionally retires to do his "serious writing" and observe the moon and planets through his 10" reflecting telescope.
Since his unique experience, related in this book, he has started to make a collection of Flying Saucer sightings and is planning to carry out further extensive research during 1955 in California where a considerable number of Saucers have been reported seen in recent months. |
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