Foundation's Friends: Stories in Honor of Isaac Asimov
edited by Martin H. Greenberg
Revised Edition 1997
Tor Books
New York
ISBN 0812567706
Trade paperback
Cover illustration by Garry Ruddell
xii+452 pages
Price: $9.99
Foundation's Friends, an anthology of short fiction by various authors dedicated to Isaac Asimov. Some of the stories are set in Asimovian universes and some are standalone.
Stories more-or-less compatible with the Foundation universe are highlighted in blue.
Includes the following items from the first edition:
- Preface by Ray Bradbury (essay)
- Second Preface by Ben Bova (essay)
- Strip-Runner by Pamela Sargent (Robot story)
- The Asenion Solution by Robert Silverberg
- Murder in the Urth Degree by Edward Wellen (Wendell Urth mystery)
- Trantor Falls by Harry Turtledove (Foundation story)
- Dilemma by Connie Willis (Robot story)
- Maureen Birnbaum After Dark by George Alec Effinger
- Balance by Mike Resnick (Robot story)
- The Present Eternal by Barry N. Malzberg
- PAPPI by Sheila Finch (Robot story)
- The Reunion at the Mile-High by Frederik Pohl
- Plato's Cave by Poul Anderson (Robot story)
- Foundation's Conscience by George Zebrowski (Foundation story)
- Carhunters of the Concrete Prairie by Robert Sheckley (Robot story)
- The Overheard Conversation by Edward D. Hoch (Black Widowers story)
- Blot by Hal Clement (Robot story)
- The Fourth Law of Robotics by Harry Harrison (Robot story)
- The Originist by Orson Scott Card (Foundation story)
- A Word or Two from Janet (essay) by Janet Asimov
- Fifty Years (essay) by Isaac Asimov
The following items were added for this revised edition:
- The Immortal Bard by Isaac Asimov (short story)
- The Ugly Little Boy by Isaac Asimov (short story)
- The Last Question by Isaac Asimov (short story)
- Susan and Bayta and Me by Karen Anderson (essay)
- An Appreciation by Poul Anderson (essay)
- My Brother Isaac by Stanley Asimov (essay)
- Isaac by Ben Bova (essay)
- An Unwritten Letter to our Dear Friend Isaac Asimov by Catherine Crook de Camp (essay)
- Isaac and I by L. Sprague de Camp (essay)
- Isaac Asimov by Gordon R. Dickson (essay)
- Isaac by Harlan Ellison (essay)
- Appreciation of Isaac Asimov by Sheila Finch (essay)
- In Memoriam by Martin H. Greenberg (essay)
- Isaac Asimov, Mystery Writer by Edward D. Hoch (essay)
- From the Heart's Basement by Barry N. Malzberg (essay)
- In Memoriam by Shawna McCarthy (essay)
- Part of My Life by Frederik Pohl (essay)
- An Appreciation of Isaac by Mike Resnick (essay)
- Isaac Asimov by Carl Sagan (essay)
- Isaac Asimov: An Appreciation by Pamela Sargent (essay)
- An Asimov Appreciation by Stanley Schmidt (essay)
- Reflections on Isaac by Robert Silverberg (essay)
- Isaac by Janet Asimov (essay)
- Isaac Asimov: an Affectionate Memory by Norman Spinrad (essay)
- Appreciation of Isaac by Edward Wellen (essay)
- In Memoriam by Sheila Williams (essay)
- Our Mutual Friend by Connie Willis (essay)
- The Last Interview by George Zebrowski (interview)
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