by Isaac Asimov
published in:
Computers and Automation
Edited by Edmund C. Berkeley
March 1955, Vol.4, No.3
Berkeley Enterprises
New York
Cover illustrator: N/A
44 pages
Subscription price: $4.50 for 12 issues
Question, the original Multivac short story by Isaac Asimov, can be found on pages 6-7.
Reprinted in:
- Science World (30 April 1957)
Robert Sherman Townes contacted Asimov after the reprint to inform him that the climax of the story was very similar to one of his own, Problem for Emmy, published in Startling Stories in June 1952. Asimov did not recall having read it, but admitted that the endings were similar and pledged that the story would never be reprinted. Problem for Emmy had been reprinted alongside Asimov's Robbie in Science-Fiction Thinking Machines (ed. Groff Conklin, Bantam, 1954).
The original publication is available online at the Internet Archive. |
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