Reality Forbidden
by Philip E. High
First Edition, First Printing 1967
Ace Books
New York
Publisher Code: G-609
Cover illustration by Jack Gaughan
151, 105 pages
Price: $0.50
Reality Forbidden, a novel by Philip E. High.
Publication date unknown.
Page 5 includes an illustration by Jack Gaughan.
This volume is an omnibus in the Ace Double series. It also includes Contraband From Otherspace by A. Bertram Chandler.
Blurb – Page One
Pandora’s Box: Century XXI
If wishes would only come true . . . how often has every human being thought that? How wonderful life would be if only we could have everything we ever dreamed of!
But the man who invented the dream-machine turned out to be the worst enemy humanity ever encountered! The dream became as real as the reality – and yet remained a figment of the imagination. And thereby the very foundations of civilization were undermined. Why strive – when you could get it all without effort?
REALITY FORBIDDEN is the unusual novel of what came afterwards. Of the world in which only the most rigid of terror kept the cities standing, and of the man who dared to escape that world, to find the last place on Earth where dreaming was not prohibited, and where one could not only have one’s cake, but eat it as well.
Blurb – Page Two
Philip E. High is an Englishman residing at Canterbury in Kent. Like most writers, he held many different jobs before finding just the one that was right in order to become an author. His stories have been appearing in the magazines, and he has said, “Good science-fiction needs no explanation. The mainspring of our work is ‘what-would-happen-if-?’ We are, in effect, reporters of a possible future, and, as reporters it is our business to write the story.” |
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