Down to a Sunless Sea
by Lin Carter
First Edition 1984
DAW Books
New York
ISBN 0879979372
Publisher code: UE1937
Cover illustration by Ken Kelly
176 pages
Price: $2.50
Down to a Sunless Sea, a Mysteries of Mars novel by Lin Carter.
Part of a loosely connected series of stories set on Mars.
Publisher's Blurb – Lower Cover
Brant's life had been hard after the courts had sent him to the penal colony at Trivium Charontis on Mars. Since working his way to freedom, he had run guns to the High Clan princes, sold them liquor and forbidden tobacco, and peddled narcotics to the soft, timid Earthsider clerks. He had stolen, he had cheated at cards, he had killed a man more than once. . . .
Now fleeing from justice across the ancient dust-oceans of Mars he had no way of knowing that he was running toward the most fantastic adventure any man had ever lived – toward refuge more absolute than any man had ever dreamed of – by the banks of secret rivers, in caverns yet unmeasured by man, on the shore of a sea the sun had never seen! |
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