Flashing Swords! #2
edited by Lin Carter
First Edition 1973
Nelson Doubleday / Science Fiction Book Club
New York
Publisher code: 5859
Hardback in dust jacket
Cover illustration by Frank Frazetta
xvi+200 pages
Price: $1.49
Flashing Swords! #2, an anthology of fantasy short fiction edited by Lin Carter.
Volume 2 of the Flashing Swords! fantasy anthology series.
- Flashing Swords and Black Magicians – a foreword by Lin Carter
- The Rug and the Bull – by L. Sprague de Camp
- The Jade Man's Eyes – by Michael Moorcock – first published as a chapbook by Unicorn Bookshop in May 1973
- Toads of Grimmerdale – by Andre Norton
- Ghoul's Garden – by John Jakes
The image opposite and the blurb below are from the 1975 Mayflower paperback edition, ISBN 0583124194. Cover illustration by Bruce Pennington.
Publisher's Blurb – Lower Cover
'The carpet shuddered; a ripping motion ran along its fringes. Foot by foot, it rose from the pavement, until it was above the heads of those standing in the courtyard. The carpet continued to rise until it towered above the roof of the palace.'
L. Sprague de Camp
'Elric's ancestors had made pacts, thousands of years before, with all the elementals who controlled the animal world. In the past he had summoned help from various of these spirits, but never from the one he now sought to call. From his mouth began to issue the ancient, beautiful, convoluted words of Melnibone's High Speech..
Michael Moorcock
'Still watching Trystan, her hands veiling against the play of the ensorcelling light, Hertha saw his lax fingers move, clench into a fist. And then she witnessed the great effort of that gesture, and she knew that he was in battle, silent though he stood.'
Andre Norton
'Hektor's fingers dug into Brak's eyesockets. They pressed deep. Suddenly Brak touched metal. He closed his fist on the dagger hilt, aimed the point over his shoulder, hurled his fist up and back as Hektor's thumbs pressured his eyeballs into awful agony.'
John Jakes |
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