New Worlds for Old
edited by Lin Carter
First Edition 1971
Ballantine Books
New York
ISBN 034502365X
Cover illustration by David Johnston
Price: $1.25
New Worlds for Old, an anthology of fantasy short fiction and poetry edited by Lin Carter.
- Makers of Worlds – a foreword by Lin Carter
- Zulka?s and Kalilah – by William Beckford
- Silence: A Fable – by Edgar Allan Poe
- The Romance of Photogen and Nycteris – by George MacDonald
- The Sphinx – a poem by Oscar Wilde
- The Fall of Babbulkund – by Lord Dunsany
- The Green Meadow – by H.P. Lovecraft and Elizabeth Berkeley (a.k.a. Winifred V. Jackson)
- The Feast in the House of the Worm – by Gary Myers
- Zingazar – by Lin Carter
- A Wine of Wizardry – a poem by George Sterling
- The Garden of Fear – by Robert E. Howard
- Jirel Meets Magic – by C.L. Moore
- Duar the Accursed – by Clifford Ball
- The Hashish-Eater – a poem by Clark Ashton Smith
- The Party at Lady Cusp-Canine's – by Mervyn Peake
- The Sword of Power – by Lin Carter
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