Verses Dedicatory:
18 Previously Unpublished
Poems by Lord Dunsany
edited by Lin Carter
First Edition 1985
Charnel House Publishers
Lenox Hill Station, New York
ISBN: None
Cover illustrator: N/A
12 pages - Covers not included in pagination
Price: $2
Verses Dedicatory: 18 Previously Unpublished Poems by Lord Dunsany, a collection of poetry by Lord Dunsany edited for publication by Lin Carter.
Volume 2 in the Charnel House Chapbooks series.
Limited edition of 500 numbered copies.
This chapbook collects eighteen poems hand-written by the author on the flyleaves of copies of several of his published books. The copies in which the poems were found and from which they were taken are from the library of Hazel Littlefield. The titles assigned to the poems are those of the books in which they appear.
- Introduction – by Lin Carter
- Wandering Songs
- The Story of Mona Sheehy
- Tales of Three Hemispheres
- Rory and Bran
- Donellan Lectures
- The King of Elfland's Daughter
- The Sirens Wake
- Jorkens Has a Large Whiskey
- The Blessings of Pan
- Plays for Earth and Air
- Don Rodriguez
- My Ireland
- Unhappy Far-Off Things
- My Talks with Dean Spanley
- Alexander and Three Small Plays
- The Curse of the Wise Woman
- To Awaken Pegasus
- The Book of Wonder
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