The Desert of Stolen Dreams
by Robert Silverberg
First Edition 1981
San Francisco, California / Columbia, Pennsylvania
ISBN 0934438447 (Signed edition)
ISBN 0934438455 (Trade edition)
Hardback in dust jacket
Illustrated by Stephen E. Fabian
96+8 pages
Price: $30.00 (Signed) / $12.50 (Trade)
The Desert of Stolen Dreams, a Majipoor novella by Robert Silverberg.
Limited edition of 1000 copies.
Signed edition
220 copies were specially bound and signed by the author; of these 200 were numbered and 20 were marked "Presentation Copy".
Trade edition
780 copies.
Also published in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction (June 1981).
Reprinted in Majipoor Chronicles (Arbor House, 1982).
Publisher's Blurb – Jacket Flaps
Like its predecessor Lord Valentine's Castle, The Desert of Stolen Dreams is the story of one man's journey through deception to self-discovery.
Initiate Dekkeret, a young administrator on appointment, finds intrigue and passion, adventure and self-worth in the strange immensity of Majipoor. Hoping to escape a shameful episode in his past, Dekkeret starts out across the Desert of Stolen Dreams. Some of his companions are more than human and the land is filled with peril, but in all of Majipoor his greatest enemy is sleep itself.
ROBERT SILVERBERG is the author of many fine novels and short stories, including Dying Inside, The Stochastic Man, Shadrach in the Furnace, and Nightwings. He is also the author of numerous non-fiction works, including Lost Cities and Vanished Civilizations, Mound Builders of Ancient America, and The Realm of Prester John.
He has won four Nebula and two Hugo Awards.
He has recently returned to full-time writing after a five-year retirement.
Mr. Silverberg lives in the San Francisco Bay area. |
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