The Man Who Sold the Moon
by Robert A. Heinlein
First Edition 1950
Shasta Publishers
Hardback in dust jacket
Cover illustration by Hubert Rogers
288 pages
Price: $3.00
The Man Who Sold the Moon, a collection of Future History short fiction by Robert A. Heinlein.
- Life-Line [Not included in early paperback reprints]
- "Let There Be Light"
- The Roads Must Roll
- Blowups Happen [Not included in early paperback reprints]
- The Man Who Sold the Moon
- Requiem
Also includes a preface and a revised version of the Future History Chart.
The title story was also published as a chapbook in 1952 in the American Science Fiction series (Issue No.3).
Publisher’s Blurb – Jacket Flaps
With an Introduction by JOHN W. CAMPBELL, JR.
Editor: Astounding Science-Fiction
The history of the past is a fascinating subject — but more fascinating by far is the history of the future!
THE MAN WHO SOLD THE MOON is the first volume of Robert Heinlein's Future History Series, spanning the years of the near-future through which we ourselves will live. These stories, covering the latter half of the 20th Century, begin with Life-Line and with Dr. Pinero, whose discovery enables him to foretell death-dates, but who cannot change the inevitable. "Let There Be Light" — and there was light! Power from the Sun for a few men, or for all men? The Roads Must Roll is a startling picture of the mechanized road-cities of future America. But the men who make the roads roll can also make them stop. And when revolting technicians start to close down the roads . . . Blowups Happen can easily happen! Grim consequences of a single mistake in the operation of an atomic power-plant are depicted here with nightmarish reality. The Man Who Sold the Moon, an original 30,000 word novella especially written for this volume, is the story of one man who looked unswervingly to the stars, and to the day when man, no longer earthbound, would venture into space. D.D. Harriman, the man who "sold" the moon, did not resemble the popular concept of a hero, but he — more than any other man — was best suited to overcome the myriad difficulties in launching the first space ship. And Requiem, with the passing of Harriman, closes the era of which he was the symbol.
Each story in this volume is independent in itself, yet each is a connecting link in the vast chain that comprises the Future History. For this volume is an opening vista of the great history which is yet to come — a history of men and thoughts and deeds, of action and of adventure.
Robert A. Heinlein is admirably fitted to write this thrilling and provocative glimpse into the future, and has long been regarded as one of the outstanding authors of modern science-fiction. A graduate of Annapolis, he has done extensive research in mathematics and physics at the University of Chicago. John W. Campbell's interesting and informative Introduction supplies additional background on the Future History Series as seen by the editor who first brought this series to public attention.
The second book in the Future History Series will be issued by Shasta Publishers late in 1950, and will be entitled THE GREEN HILLS OF EARTH. |
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