World of Mists
by Patrick Moore
First Edition 1956
Frederick Muller
Hardback in dust jacket
Cover illustration by Patricia Cullen
160 pages
Price: 7s.6d
A Gregory Quest novel.
Publisher's Blurb – Jacket Flap
When men first travelled across space to the planet Venus, they found themselves in a strange world – hot, rainy, and perpetually shrouded in dense fog that led to its name of the "World of Mists". If Earthmen were to live there, the choking and unbreathable atmosphere must be altered; but just as all seemed to be going well, disaster struck. A tremendous explosion, wrecking the main Base and crippling the giant "modifier" that was slowly clearing the air; another – and another. What was the trouble? Were there unknown materials on Venus, or were the explosions deliberate?
Gregory Quest, "Quest of the Spaceways", helped as always by Lester Vane, Nigel Whipperfield, and the brilliant, absentminded old scientist Professor Fell, set out to discover the cause of the catastropbe. Readers of Mr. Moore's Quest stories may be sure that the solution to the problem involves everyone concerned in continuous excitement and suspense. |
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