The Nonfiction of Robert Heinlein: Volume I
by Robert A. Heinlein
Collector's Edition 2011
The Virginia Edition – Volume XXXVII
The Virginia Edition Publishing Company
ISBN 9781897350423
Leather-bound hardback
Cover illustrator: N/A
xii+viii+622 pages
Price: $1500 for the complete 46 volume Virginia Edition
Individual volumes not available separately
A numbered, limited edition of 2000 copies.
The Nonfiction of Robert Heinlein: Volume I, a collection of non-fiction by Robert A. Heinlein. This volume was created specifically for the Virginia Edition.
- The Last Adventure [poem]
- Atlantis [poem]
- Untitled Portrait Sketch [essay – with Sebastian Perreault]
- Week-End Watch [short story]
- Writing for The Lexington Observer [extracts]
- 1935 Muster Notes [class reunion book entry]
- How to Write a Story [essay – writing as Lyle Monroe]
- Review of Green Fire [review – writing as Lyle Monroe]
- Review of The Days of Creation [review]
- Review of Shells and Shooting [review]
- Review of Rockets: A Prelude to Space Travel [review]
- Cockpit Canopies—Evaluation of [report]
- NAMC Memorandum [memo]
- Man in the Moon [essay]
- America's Maginot Line [essay]
- Dance Session [poem]
- The Journey of Death [essay]
- Death Song of a Wood's Colt [poem]
- Three Wise Mice [poem]
- Untitled Poem Fragment [poem]
- Brave New World [poem]
- Why Buy a Stone Ax? [essay]
- Young Wings Letter-Article [letter-essay]
- Saturday Evening Post Letter-Article [letter-essay]
- Flight into the Future [essay – with Caleb B. Laning]
- Tomorrow the Moon [essay]
- Saturday Evening Post Fillers [anecdote]
- On the Writing of Speculative Fiction [essay]
- System in the Sky [essay – with Caleb B. Laning]
- 1949 Muster Notes [class reunion book entry]
- Review of The Conquest of Space [review]
- Baedeker of the Solar System • [review]
- Sworn Statement Concerning Robert Cornog [testimonial]
- Author! Author! • [essay]
- The Historic Novel of the Future [essay]
- Review of Space Medicine [I] [review]
- Review of Space Medicine [II] [review]
- Preface to Tomorrow, the Stars [essay]
- The Ever Widening Horizons [review]
- Introduction to The Glory That Was [essay]
- Ray Guns and Rocket Ships • [essay]
- This, I Believe [essay]
- Introducing the Author [essay]
- Introduction to The Best from Startling Stories [essay]
- A Method for Arranging All Fractions from Zero to One in a Single Sequence [essay]
- Current Biography [essay]
- Science Fiction: Its Nature, Faults, and Virtues [lecture]
- Science Letter: Xenobiology [letter]
- Who Killed Science Fiction? [essay – writing as Anonymous #1]
- Appointment in Space [essay]
- 1962 Muster Notes [class reunion book entry]
- If You Don't See It, Just Ask: Preview for Playboys [essay]
- The Happy Road to Science Fiction [essay]
- Science Fiction–The World of "What If–" [essay]
- Goldwater Radio Spots [radio ad scripts]
- Draft for a Goldwater Speech [speech]
- Letter-Article for Clifford Simak [letter-essay]
- A Letter from RAH – Harris Children's Library [letter]
- Accession Notes [manuscript inventory]
- Statement by RAH [essay]
- Playboy Interview [interview by Frank Robinson]
- Interview for The Colorado Engineer [letter-interview by Joe Sencenbaugh]
- Foreword to Beyond Jupiter [essay]
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