The Nonfiction of Robert Heinlein: Volume II
by Robert A. Heinlein
Collector's Edition 2011
The Virginia Edition – Volume XXXVIII
The Virginia Edition Publishing Company
ISBN 9781897350430
Leather-bound hardback
Cover illustrator: N/A
x+viii+464 pages
Price: $1500 for the complete 46 volume Virginia Edition
Individual volumes not available separately
A numbered, limited edition of 2000 copies.
This volume has the same ISBN as The Heinlein Letters: Volume III.
The Nonfiction of Robert Heinlein: Volume II, a collection of non-fiction by Robert A. Heinlein. This volume was created specifically for the Virginia Edition.
- Forrestal Lecture [lecture]
- Publisher's Weekly Interview [interview by Alfred Bester]
- The RAH Interview [interview by J. Neil Schulman]
- Letter to LASFS [letter]
- 1974 Muster Notes [class reunion book entry]
- Letter to T.B. Buell about Fleet Admiral Ernest King [letter-memoir]
- A U.S. Citizen Thinks about Canada [letter-essay]
- Heinlein's Personal Library Catalog [book list]
- Liner Notes for Avalon Hill Starship Troopers Game [board game endorsement]
- Are You a Rare Blood? [essay]
- Liner Notes for Caedmon LP [talking book intro]
- Letter-Tribute to Grand Master Jack Williamson [letter-essay]
- Preliminary Notes toward a Handbook for Blood Drives [essay]
- Letter Appreciation of Grand Master Clifford D. Simak [letter-essay]
- Octagon Blood Drive Remarks [speech]
- 1979 Muster Notes [class reunion book entry]
- Some Applications of Space Technology for the Elderly & Handicapped [essay]
- Telephone Interview with Ben Bova [interview by Ben Bova]
- Open Letter re L-5 Society [letter]
- Interview Conducted at the Robert A. Heinlein Day [interview by David A. Truesdale]
- The Names of the Beast [essay]
- Survive Magazine Letter Article [letter-essay]
- Japan and Communist China (Ginny's First Trip Report) [essay by Virginia Heinlein]
- Letter-Appreciation of Jack Williamson [letter-essay]
- "Entotic" [essay by Virginia Heinlein]
- The Rarest Blood [essay]
- Northwest Passage Trip Report [essay by Virginia Heinlein]
- Letter Appeal for Stanford Hospital [letter]
- Agape and Eros: The Art of Theodore Sturgeon [introductory essay]
- Citizen of the Universe: An Interview with Robert A. Heinlein [interview by Peter Heck]
- Message to Berkley Sales Staff re The Cat Who Walks Through Walls [transcribed tape recording]
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