Wanderer in Space
by Patrick Moore
First Edition 1961
Burke Publishing Company
Hardback in dust jacket
Cover illustration by David A. Hardy
160 pages
Price: 8s.6d
A Robin North novel.
Reprinted in the Junior Pacemaker series in 1964.
Reprinted again in 1975.
Publisher’s Blurb – Dust Jacket Flaps
The international research stations on the Moon are threatened by an inexplicable danger. Rex Redmayne and Robin North, the two youngest members of the colony, set off to warn the people at headquarters and to enlist their help. But the two boys are even more alarmed on arrival at Base to hear Rex’s father, Professor Redmayne, say, “We think the trouble comes from space. Someone, or something, is attacking us!”
It is not long before the people on Earth also become aware of the attack and decide that it is the beginning of new hostilities. Each nation believes that the other is contemplating a new war. Each plans to launch atom bombs which would, inevitably, mean the end of the present era of civilisation.
The only way to convince the politicians of the madness of their actions is to prove that Percy, the wanderer in space, is not a manmade weapon. Rex and Robin volunteer to go off on an almost suicidal mission to photograph Percy. How they find themselves in terrible danger and are rescued by their Russian colleague, Nicholas Valinsky, is only one of the peaks of excitement in this thrilling sequel to Captives of the Moon.
Will they finally reach the Earth in time to prevent disaster and save humanity or will the dangers of space flight overpower their courage and daring? Patrick Moore tells this story against an authentic background of scientific and astronomical knowledge.
Patrick Moore has been interested in the possibilities of space travel since his boyhood, though his main interests are in the field of pure astronomy.
During the war he served in the Royal Air Force as a bomber navigator, and in more recent years has concentrated on writing. His popular scientific books include Boys’ Book of Space (translated into French and Italian), Guide to the Moon, Guide to the Planets (both originally published some years ago, and now re-issued as paperback editions) and Guide to Mars, a popular survey of what is known about Mars itself.
He is a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, and has been Director of the Mercury and Venus Section of the British Astronomical Association, as well as being associated with many foreign societies.
He is well known to millions on account of his monthly astronomical programme on BBC Television, The Sky at Night. |
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