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Interplanetary Flight. 1950
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Back to previous page Record Number: 64600
Interplanetary Flight. 1950 Interplanetary Flight:
An Introduction to Astronautics

by Arthur C. Clarke
1st Edition 1950
Temple Press
Technical Trends Series
Hardback in dust jacket
Cover illustrator: N/A
viii+166 pages
Price: 8s.6d

Interplanetary Flight: An Introduction to Astronautics, an introduction to space exploration by Arthur. C. Clarke.

Publisher's Blurb – Jacket Flap
"For those who love to dream of Things to Come, here is a book which is serious, well written, informative and thoroughly agreeable."
The Aeroplane

"For so small a book, this is remarkably comprehensive. It contains just enough mathematics and formulae to satisfy the stickler. The reader who has no stomach for such will lose nothing of the book's excitement and persuasiveness if he skips them."
Times Literary Supplement

"The book is very clearly written, and even an almost complete ignorance of mechanics should not prevent anyone from grasping the author's conclusions ; he has, moreover, a light touch which makes this, for a text-book, very readable."
The Economist

"Confidence, combined with considerable literary ability and a rare lucidity of expression, makes the present little book perhaps the best introduction yet written for those making their first contact with the interplanetary idea."
Journal of the Royal Naval Scientific Service

Publisher's Blurb – Lower Cover
This series is intended to review recent developments and current practice in selected branches of technology. It has been specially designed for students requiring general, up-to-date introductions to their subjects and will be valuable to technicians and scientists who wish to keep abreast of "technical trends" in fields of knowledge allied to their own.

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