Outlaw of Gor
by John Norman
First British Edition 1970
Sidgwick & Jackson
SBN 283980869
Hardback in dust jacket
Cover illustrator: n/a
256 pages
Price: 27s / £1.35
Part 2 of The Chronicles of Counter-Earth series.
Reissued in The Gor Omnibus: The Chronicles of Counter-Earth (Sidgwick & Jackson, 1972, SBN 283978236).
Publisher's Blurb
Tarl Cabot is again transported to Counter-Earth, the planet Gor. He finds his home city razed, his wife and family scattered, possibly destroyed, by the dreaded Flame Death of Sardar. He is an outcast and an outlaw.
Yet he knows the Priest Kings have not idly brought him back. What sinister purposes have they in mind?
John Norman here maintains the action and drama of our first encounter with Tarl Cabot in Tarnsman of Gor. |
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