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Sphere Science Fiction Classics - Volume 12
The Broken Sword
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The Broken Sword Volume 12
The Broken Sword

Poul Anderson
Issued: 1977
Sphere Books
ISBN 0722111592
Cover illustration by Patrick Woodroffe
208 pages

First published by Abelard-Schuman in 1954.

Publisher’s Blurb – Lower Cover
'Poul Anderson has the writing ability and the disciplined imagination that pours light on hidden corners'
Isaac Asimov

Warlock blade is thirsty!
Howling in its hunger,
Hews it through the iron,
Sings in cloven skullbones,
Slakes itself in bloodstreams.

The hideous war between the Elf Kingdom and the cold lands of the Trolls embroiled Elfland in its bloodiest battle. And the only hope of the faery folk was the half-human deathbringer skafloc.

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